Category: Blog
Why the first VR format war is already decided
There were Head-tracking VR-Devices before. But now, the time seems to be right for a breakthrough. While I’ll watch the race between the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Sony Playstation VR closely, I’ll already declare a winner: Playstation VR. It may sound absurd, given the theoretical technical advantage of its competitors. Not only the higher…
How technological “fashion” demand phases out research on user interfaces
Advances in user interface development enable the inception of whole new categories of products. It’s tempting to apply these smart innovations to other products, without an inherent need to do so from the user experience perspective.
plain text passwords…
Ok, It happened again. I registered at some website and they’ve sent me the password in plain text. Yes, this post was really written in 2015.
Micro Maintenance
The fact that something will “only take a couple of seconds” is no excuse for disrupting the user experience and when considering to ask users for a favor, developers should not only think about what it means for their users, but what it would mean if similar products employed the same functionality. Years ago, when there wasn’t such a…
The importance of consistency for the quality of digital content distribution platforms
User experience consistency is something that many companies in the media business — especially the game industry — disregard but, as I’m going to show, has accounted for the success of some of the greatest and most profitable content distribution systems
A Chess Animation Generator for Autodesk Maya
This script for Autodesk Maya 2011 will read the notation of a chess game and convert it to an animation.
Why I print stuff
Let me, even as a justification to my inner geek, explain to you why I print things from the internet for myself.
Selling social, evolving games
Many video games are designed to evolve over time. The development process isn’t finished once the game is released but is to be continued as long as there’s demand. Most games designed that way are subscription-based online games. The demand can easily be foreseen by looking at the number of active subscriptions and the development…